Concerned About Spouse's Influence on Your Child? Tim Bryant
When you are worried about the environment that your spouse is creating for your child, there may be some wise things you need to do to reduce those problems. Yet, your greatest need is to let the Word keep your faith strong in Christ's sovereign grace so that fear does not control your thoughts, actions and emotions. Fear-based reactions instead of faith-based responses greatly reduces the spiritual influence you will have in your child's life and circumstances. You, nor God, nor your children are victims of your spouse’s ungodliness. If you think this way, you will be overcome by the evil instead of overcome the evil with good. Your God is sovereign! In the end He wins and those He loves! (Ps 46:10-11; Romans 8:28-29).
How does God intend the following passages to comfort and guide you in the concerns you have over the unspiritual influence that your spouse (or ex-spouse) is having upon your child(ren)? Use the Practical Biblical Meditation sheet that follows as a way to meditate and apply each passage so that the Lord’s Spirit may impress and instruct you with His Word.
How does God intend the following passages to comfort and guide you in the concerns you have over the unspiritual influence that your spouse (or ex-spouse) is having upon your child(ren)? Use the Practical Biblical Meditation sheet that follows as a way to meditate and apply each passage so that the Lord’s Spirit may impress and instruct you with His Word.
- Philippians 4:6-10 - Keep praying with thanksgiving for all the ways He has shown that He will care for your child's spiritual needs (vs 6,7). Let your mind dwell on this good reality when tempted to worry about the bad realities of the situation (vs 8). Keep imitating Christ in the situation (vs 9). Do these three things and according to the promise of this verse, God and His peace will be with you.
- Matthew 18:7-10 - Remember, Jesus, in this passage is making it clear that He is more involved in the spiritual welfare of your children than you are.
- 1 Timothy 4:16 - Your two greatest priorities in this tough circumstances are narrowed down in this passage: 1) Watch your example in front of the children; and 2) Watch what you teach to your children. Since you are the light in the situation, your example and teaching are the most important.
- 1 Corinthians 7:14-16 - Your children are sanctified by your holiness and relationship with them through the Lord.
- Ephesians 1:11 - God works everything out according to the counsel of His will. He is a detail God. Nothing is being overlooked. He has accounted for everything in their life and has a good purpose in this for those whom He has called to Himself.
- Psalm 139:13-16 - Everyday He has been already ordained for them by Him. He is in control. Their greatest need is not to have a better Father or Mother, but to have a better relationship and response to the heavenly Father. Help them know and trust Him.
- 1 John 4:4 - The influence and power at work in you is greater than the influence and power at work in the world!
- 2 Corinthians 2:14-16 - Be the aroma of Christ in front of your children as you relate with your spouse and them. God promises that if they are being saved they will be drawn by you through this to the Lord!
- Finally, remember the stories of young men and women in the Bible whose faith was strengthened and preserved in godless environments
- Young Timothy’s Testimony though he had no spiritual Father figure (1 Timothy and 2 Timothy)
- Servant Girl in Naaman story Testimony though she was living in the pagan world of Aram
- Joseph Testimony though he was separated from his Father and in Pharaoh's household
- Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego Testimony though they were captives of Babylon
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