Counseling Women Who Are Going Through a Divorce

(The following outline is a great example of the biblical approach you will learn through our Divorce & Remarriage Workshops that are part of our Marriage & Family Counseling Training. To sign up for these materials please contact us at


I. Introduction
A. In my years of counseling women it was always difficult to work with 
women who were going through a divorce because their emotional pain was always so great. Often they felt overwhelmed. The wife may not know what is really happening. She is sometimes confused, hurt, guilt- laden, scared, angry, grieving, self-pitying, and desperate even if she is a Christian. Very often there are huge financial problems and not enough money to pay the bills much less hire a lawyer. The children are upset, her parents are grieved and/or angry. Everyone involved, at various times, wants revenge. Divorce is often worse than a death. Divorce is embarrassing, humiliating, devastating, and it always breaks a vow made before God on the part of one or both.

B. In this workshop, I want to:
1. Touch briefly on the “so-called” Christian divorce recovery material and how to help your counselee recover from it (if this is a problem). 

2. Give you some practical tips on helping them to think and respond rightly and thus give glory to God.


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