Loving by Faith, Not by Sight by Tim Bryant
When you look at your spouse what do you see? I remember the first day I saw my wife. I was standing on the stage at our church and there she was, in all her beauty and peacefulness, sitting in the second row in the overflow seating. I began to interact with her and the more I saw the more I found myself “head over heels.” The more I saw, the more I desired. I was loving by sight. I perceived no flaw in her. The words of Solomon toward his lover echoed my own thoughts, “You are altogether beautiful, my darling.” (SOS 4:7) But what about when what your spouse is not easy to love? Almost every couple I have counseled, whether in conflict or engaged have a view of their partner that is unrealistically flawless. But, the truth is, he or she, like you, is a person with desires, limitations, and tendencies that sooner or later will disappoint. The Bible reminds us in Proverbs 20:9 that no one can say, "I have cleansed my heart, I am pure from my sin." Allow specific bib...