
Showing posts from April, 2014

The Importance of BIBLICAL HOPE

I am giving you this assignment in commemoration of our yearly celebration of God at work through Biblical counseling (This annual dinner celebration will be held this Saturday at the North Charleston Convention Center Ballroom this Saturday Evening, May 3.)   I wanted to not only to invite you to join us ( click here to see our event page ) but to wet your spiritual appetites for what our evening is going to be all about -  Our theme this year is "THERE IS HOPE!  A Hope That Anchors the Soul" Hebrews 6:19   Enjoy to His Glory , Tim Bryant --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Importance of BIBLICAL HOPE “We should ask God to increase our hope when it is small, awaken it when it is dormant, confirm it when it is wavering, strengthen in when it is weak, and raise it up when it is overthrown.” Biblical Hope Produces... Based on the following scripture answer the follo...


This was a recent video recording of a "Unity in Marriage" Session.  The Lord has used this teaching to turn marriages from divorce to reconciliation, from conflict to Christ, from hatred to love.  May the Lord use this in your life and marriage as well The Puritan John Owen says that faith in Christ is the root from which all Christian practice grows. Galatians 5:6 says that the only thing that matters is faith expressing itself in love.   If this be true than Biblical counselors must learn to use presenting relational trials as opportunities to inspire counselees to greater faith-motivated hope and love, not just obedience.  What unseen biblical realities should we discuss and meditate on with husbands and wives struggling to love in desert marriages?  In this second part of how to love in a difficult marriage, learn how to use the scriptures to move couples to God-glorifying, faith-motivated loving action.  The key to the effectiveness of the marr...